WSH Guidelines on Process Hazard Analysis


This training course is designed to provide small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the chemical process industry with essential knowledge and skills in Process Hazard Analysis (PHA). The chemical process industry, which includes companies involved in the bulk manufacturing of oil, gas, petrochemicals, food, and pharmaceuticals, plays a crucial role in transforming raw materials into products such as petrol, plastics, cooking oil, and medicine. However, these industrial processes also come with significant risks. If not managed properly, they can result in catastrophic events such as fires, explosions, or toxic chemical releases.

The course introduces participants to PHA methodologies, a critical tool in identifying process hazards at the earliest stages and implementing control measures to prevent accidents. By applying PHA, participants will learn how to systematically assess potential dangers associated with processes like purification, dilution, mixing, blending, and packaging, which are commonly undertaken by SMEs.

Aimed at factory owners, SME plant managers, technical supervisors, and production personnel, this course covers the integration of PHA into an organization’s Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) management system. This proactive approach ensures that potential hazards are identified and mitigated as part of a broader process safety management (PSM) strategy, leading to safer industrial operations.

By the end of the course, participants will have a solid understanding of how to conduct a PHA and implement its findings to enhance the safety of their operations. This training is essential for those looking to strengthen their process safety practices, reduce risks, and ensure compliance with safety regulations in the chemical process industry. Through proper hazard identification and risk control, companies can achieve safer, more efficient production environments, thereby protecting both their employees and the broader community.


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Terakhir Diperbarui: October 11, 2024
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