Bekerja dengan Aman Selama Pemasangan, Perawatan, dan Penggantian Eskalator serta Trotoar Bergerak


This training course focuses on the safety and maintenance of escalators and moving walks (Esc/MW), which are essential in Singapore’s densely built environment. With the high concentration of high-rise buildings and infrastructure, Esc/MW play a critical role in moving people safely and efficiently, but they also pose specific risks to those working on them. This course is designed for individuals responsible for the installation, maintenance, and operation of Esc/MW, including employers, supervisors, and workers involved in this field, as well as those who manage premises containing such equipment.

The course highlights the importance of proper installation and maintenance to ensure both safety and longevity of Esc/MW. Participants will learn the responsibilities of all stakeholders, including workers, supervisors, and building managers, in mitigating risks and preventing accidents. The focus is on understanding and applying reasonable care throughout the entire process—from installation to maintenance and replacement—ensuring that workers follow safety procedures and utilize appropriate safeguards.

A key aspect of the course is hazard identification and risk management, especially for workers who often operate in areas not accessible to the public and are, therefore, not fully protected by the built-in safety measures designed for passengers. Participants will be trained to recognize potential hazards and take precautionary measures to avoid accidents and health risks.

The course will also cover Singapore Standards SS 626: Code of Practice for the design, installation, and maintenance of escalators and moving walks. It emphasizes that safe working conditions are significantly enhanced when machinery is designed and installed following these standards.

Through initial training and ongoing professional development, this course aims to equip personnel with the skills and knowledge necessary to work safely and effectively on Esc/MW, minimizing risks and ensuring compliance with safety regulations.


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Terakhir Diperbarui: October 14, 2024
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