WSH Guidelines Implementation of WSH Management System for the Metalworking Industry


This training course provides essential guidance for companies in the metalworking industry to develop and implement a Workplace Safety and Health Management System (WSHMS). It aligns with Singapore's regulatory framework, specifically the Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) (Safety and Health Management System and Auditing) Regulations 2009, which mandate the implementation of a Safety Management System (SMS) for factories employing 100 or more people engaged in the manufacturing of fabricated metal products, machinery, or equipment.

The course introduces participants to the guidelines originally developed in 2001 by the Metalworking Industry Safety Promotion Committee and the Ministry of Manpower's Occupational Safety Department. These guidelines were based on 15 elements, with an additional focus on document control and review. The training will cover the integration of these elements with the latest standards under ISO 45001:2018, the internationally recognized standard for occupational health and safety management systems.

Participants will learn how to align their SMS with ISO 45001:2018 by incorporating the 15 elements into their workplace safety practices. The course will focus on key areas such as managing workers' expectations, conducting training needs analyses, and verifying mandatory training requirements for stakeholders, such as contractors. It will provide practical examples, including references to Annex A of the guidelines, and demonstrate how to map the elements from the 2001 guidelines into the new ISO framework.

In addition to the system's structural elements, the course will address the identification of common hazards in the metalworking industry and present recommended risk control measures to mitigate them. This comprehensive approach will help companies meet regulatory requirements, improve workplace safety, and promote good WSH practices. Participants will also gain insights into SMS audits, which are required annually by WSH auditors to ensure compliance with safety standards.


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Terakhir Diperbarui: October 14, 2024
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