Saran Teknis tentang Bekerja dengan Aman di Ruang Terbatas


This training course is designed to address the dangers and safety precautions associated with working in confined spaces, which are high-risk environments that can lead to fatalities if not properly managed. Confined spaces, such as tanks, silos, and storage vessels, are common in various industries, and despite safety regulations, accidents continue to occur in these areas. According to the Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Council, approximately 10% of workplace fatalities in Singapore result from work-related incidents in confined spaces, underscoring the importance of effective safety measures.

The course, structured around the guidelines of a Technical Advisory (TA), provides essential information on how to comply with relevant legislation and codes of practice regarding confined spaces. It emphasizes the critical need for comprehensive planning, risk assessment, and implementation of safety measures to protect workers from the life-threatening hazards associated with confined spaces. Participants will learn how to ensure safe entry and operations in confined spaces, which includes the identification and control of risks such as toxic gases, oxygen deficiency, and fire or explosion hazards.

Practical guidance is provided on topics such as atmospheric testing, use of personal protective equipment (PPE), ventilation systems, and communication protocols. Participants will also gain knowledge about rescue plans and procedures, highlighting the importance of having trained personnel and equipment ready to respond in the event of an emergency. One of the key elements of the course is to prepare workers and supervisors to follow established safety protocols, reducing the risks for those entering confined spaces and for rescuers who may be required to intervene in emergency situations.

By the end of this course, participants will be equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to meet the legal requirements and adopt best practices for safely working in confined spaces. This includes understanding the necessary precautions, planning, and rescue operations to protect both workers and rescuers, ensuring a safer workplace environment.


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Terakhir Diperbarui: October 14, 2024
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