Understand Ladder Safety


Ladders are essential access tools commonly used in a wide range of workplace operations. While they are generally considered safe, can be deployed quickly, and typically do not require prior formal training for workers, improper use or selection of ladders can result in serious accidents. Incorrect ladder choices, unsafe practices, and poorly maintained equipment are leading factors that contribute to ladder-related incidents.

From 2013 to 2022, statistics reveal that approximately two workers lost their lives annually due to ladder-related accidents, with around 37 workers sustaining major injuries each year. These incidents highlight the potential dangers associated with ladders when not used correctly or when proper safety precautions are neglected.

This course focuses on preventing ladder-related accidents by providing a comprehensive understanding of safe ladder use in the workplace. Participants will learn about the importance of selecting the right type of ladder for specific tasks and environments, as well as how to ensure that ladders are properly maintained to prevent structural failures. The course also emphasizes best practices for using ladders safely, including setting up ladders on stable surfaces, maintaining three points of contact, and understanding weight limits.

Additionally, participants will gain insights into identifying potential hazards associated with ladders, such as environmental factors like wet or uneven surfaces, and how to mitigate those risks through proper planning and execution. The course covers both step ladders and extension ladders, offering practical tips for their safe operation.

By the end of the course, workers and supervisors alike will be equipped with the knowledge to prevent accidents and injuries related to ladders, contributing to a safer and more compliant workplace. This training reinforces the message that ladder-related incidents are entirely preventable when the correct safety measures are followed.


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Terakhir Diperbarui: October 15, 2024
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