Guide to Noise Control in the Music & Entertainment Industry


Prolonged exposure to loud noise is a leading cause of hearing loss, specifically noise-induced deafness (NID). This course is designed to raise awareness of noise hazards in the music and entertainment industry, where exposure to loud music poses a significant risk. Unlike other industries where noise is an unwanted by-product, in the music and entertainment industry, noise is the core product. However, the harmful effects of prolonged exposure to loud sounds remain the same, regardless of whether the noise is desirable or not.

The course focuses on educating employees in sectors such as food and beverage outlets where live or recorded music is played, including restaurants, bars, nightclubs, discotheques, lounges, and pubs. It targets staff members who are frequently exposed to high noise levels, such as bar staff, floor staff, DJs, security officers, managers, and bouncers. These employees face increased risks of developing NID due to their prolonged working hours and continuous exposure to high-decibel environments.

Participants will learn about the permissible exposure limits for noise, which is set at 85 dBA over an 8-hour workday. However, in pubs and clubs, noise levels typically range from 89 to 100 dBA, significantly reducing the permissible exposure time to as little as 15 minutes in some cases. The course will highlight the dangers of exceeding these exposure limits and offer practical measures to control noise hazards, prevent hearing loss, and protect workers from the damaging effects of loud music.

Through this course, attendees will be equipped with knowledge on how to reduce noise exposure and implement hearing protection strategies, contributing to a safer working environment in the entertainment industry. By the end of the training, participants will understand the importance of noise control and be empowered to take action to safeguard their hearing and health.


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