Guide to Near Miss Reporting


A near miss is an unplanned event that does not result in injury, illness, or damage, but has the potential to cause serious harm. Near misses are critical indicators of underlying safety risks in the workplace, and recognizing them can help prevent future accidents.

The Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Council produced a short video, "Ying Yang Twins," as part of their education campaign to highlight the importance of identifying and reporting near misses. The video depicts characters encountering several near miss situations caused by unsafe acts or hazardous conditions, all of which could have led to severe injuries. In one scenario, an assistant cook is saved just in time from being scalded by hot liquid, thanks to the quick actions of a colleague—a chef with lightning-fast reflexes. By catching falling objects and preventing slips, she averts what could have been a dangerous accident.

The concept of a near miss is defined by the Singapore Standard as an event that, while not resulting in harm, had the potential to do so. These incidents provide valuable insights into possible safety hazards and highlight areas where preventive measures can be taken. In many cases, it is only by chance that an accident does not occur, meaning that without intervention, future incidents could lead to injury, illness, or damage.

This course emphasizes the importance of identifying and addressing near misses in the workplace. Participants will learn how to recognize near miss situations, report them appropriately, and take corrective actions to reduce risks. By fostering a culture of safety awareness and proactive reporting, companies can mitigate hazards before they lead to serious incidents, ultimately improving workplace safety and preventing accidents. By the end of this course, participants will understand the significance of near misses in maintaining a safer work environment and the steps necessary to manage them effectively.


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