Guide for Safe Use of Mobile Elevating Work Platforms


The Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWPs) training course is designed to provide comprehensive knowledge and practical skills necessary for safely operating MEWPs, which include boom lifts and scissor lifts. These mobile machines are widely used across various industries to enable personnel to safely perform tasks at elevated heights. The course emphasizes understanding and implementing proper safety practices before, during, and after using MEWPs, ensuring operators can confidently handle these machines while minimizing potential risks.

The training covers essential pre-operational checks and procedures, such as assessing the equipment’s condition, ensuring that all safety features are functioning properly, and verifying that the site conditions are suitable for MEWP operations. Operators will learn how to inspect the machine, review the manufacturer’s instructions, and assess potential hazards such as overhead obstructions, unstable ground, or adverse weather conditions. These proactive steps help mitigate risks and prevent accidents before the MEWP is even moved or elevated.

During MEWP use, the course focuses on key operational practices, including safe maneuvering, stabilizing the platform, and controlling the lift while considering the surrounding environment. Participants will learn how to operate the MEWP efficiently, avoid common pitfalls like overloading the platform, and understand the importance of maintaining communication with ground personnel. Proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE), such as harnesses, is also covered to ensure safety while working at height.

After using the MEWP, post-operational procedures are just as important as the preceding steps. The course will instruct operators on how to safely lower the platform, park the machine securely, and conduct post-use inspections to ensure the equipment is ready for future use. Documenting any issues or maintenance needs is also part of the process to keep the equipment in optimal condition for the next task.

This training ensures that operators are equipped with the knowledge and skills to maintain high safety standards while working with MEWPs, safeguarding both themselves and others around them.


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Terakhir Diperbarui: October 15, 2024
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