Start Your Safety and Health At Work: A Guide for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises


The “Workplace Safety and Health START Guide” training course is designed to help business leaders, managers, and safety officers enhance workplace safety and health while safeguarding employee well-being and maintaining operational efficiency. Workplace incidents leading to injuries or illness not only affect employees but also have a direct impact on a company’s productivity, profitability, and reputation. The consequences of such incidents can result in halted operations, decreased staff morale, and potential damage to the company’s public image and future business opportunities.

This course emphasizes the importance of accident prevention as a means of ensuring smooth operations and driving business growth. By managing safety and health effectively, companies can reduce workplace incidents and enhance overall productivity. The training introduces participants to a simple yet powerful five-stage approach known as the START method, which provides a structured framework for managing workplace safety.

The five stages of the START method are:

  1. Set up a team: Establish a dedicated team to manage safety and health initiatives within the workplace. This team is responsible for overseeing safety planning, implementation, and monitoring to ensure all aspects of the work environment are hazard-free.

  2. Think and plan: Conduct thorough risk assessments and develop detailed safety plans tailored to your workplace. This step ensures that potential risks are identified and preventive measures are put in place before work begins.

  3. Act on your plan: Put the safety plan into action by implementing the strategies developed in the planning phase. This includes ensuring all safety protocols are followed and employees have the necessary resources and guidance to work safely.

  4. Review your plan: Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the safety plan to identify areas for improvement. Continuous review helps ensure that safety measures remain relevant and effective as the workplace environment evolves.

  5. Train your employees: Provide comprehensive safety training for all employees to ensure they are aware of the risks and understand how to work safely. Ongoing training is essential for fostering a culture of safety within the organization.

By following the START approach, participants will learn how to create a safer, healthier work environment, ultimately improving productivity and securing long-term business success.


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