Keamanan Umum

Pedoman K3 tentang Pemeriksaan Medis Wajib

This training course is designed to equip doctors with the knowledge and skills to ensure workers are medically fit to handle specific workplace health hazards and to detect overexposure early, preventing the onset of occupational…
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Pedoman K3 tentang Pengelolaan Lanskap dan Hortikultura

  Pelatihan ini dirancang untuk memberikan pemahaman menyeluruh kepada kontraktor lanskap, pengawas, dan pekerja tentang pedoman keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (K3) yang khusus untuk sektor lanskap. Pelatihan ini menekankan pentingnya…
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Pedoman K3 tentang Investigasi Insiden di Tempat Kerja bagi UKM

This training course on incident investigation and risk assessment focuses on the vital role these processes play in preventing workplace accidents and minimizing risks. Incidents, which include injuries, damages to equipment, or disruptions to operations,…
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Pedoman K3 pada Industri Perhotelan dan Hiburan

Industri perhotelan dan hiburan memainkan peran penting dalam perekonomian, menawarkan pekerjaan penuh waktu, paruh waktu, dan kontrak bagi banyak orang. Sektor-sektor ini dikenal dengan lingkungan kerja yang serba cepat dan jam kerja yang panjang, yang…
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Pedoman WSH tentang Pelayanan Kesehatan

  Lanskap perawatan kesehatan global tengah mengalami transformasi signifikan, didorong oleh berbagai faktor seperti harapan hidup yang lebih panjang, populasi yang menua, meningkatnya penyakit kronis, dan dampak pandemi Covid-19. Pergeseran ini telah…
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Pedoman K3 tentang Diagnosis dan Penatalaksanaan Penyakit Akibat Kerja

  Pelatihan komprehensif tentang Penyakit Akibat Kerja (PAK) ini dirancang untuk membekali dokter dan profesional kesehatan dengan pengetahuan dan alat yang dibutuhkan untuk mengenali, mendiagnosis, dan mengelola penyakit akibat kerja. Penyakit akibat kerja muncul akibat paparan…
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WSH Guide to Behavioural Observation and Intervention

Behavioural Observation and Intervention (BO&I) is a practical and effective safety initiative designed to enhance workplace safety by promoting safe work practices and reducing the occurrence of at-risk behaviors. Developed by the Workplace Safety and…
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WSH Guide on Video Surveillance Systems

Technology has the potential to revolutionize workplace safety and health (WSH) practices, empowering companies to proactively address safety challenges before they escalate into serious accidents. By integrating technology into daily operations, companies can create safer…
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Pedoman Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja pada Pekerjaan Terkait Tenda

  Tenda biasanya digunakan di Singapura untuk acara luar ruangan seperti pertunjukan keliling dan karnaval, dengan berbagai bentuk dan ukuran. Meskipun tenda merupakan struktur yang sudah dikenal, memastikan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3)…
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Understand Ladder Safety

Ladders are essential access tools commonly used in a wide range of workplace operations. While they are generally considered safe, can be deployed quickly, and typically do not require prior formal training for workers, improper…
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Panduan Langkah demi Langkah tentang Manajemen Risiko untuk Sektor Pengerjaan Logam

The  training course provides foundational knowledge and practical steps for effectively managing risks in the workplace. Risk management is a critical process that helps businesses identify hazards, assess the associated risks, and implement control measures…
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Start Your Safety and Health At Work: A Guide for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises

The “Workplace Safety and Health START Guide” training course is designed to help business leaders, managers, and safety officers enhance workplace safety and health while safeguarding employee well-being and maintaining operational efficiency. Workplace incidents leading…
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