Kesejahteraan Mental

Workplace Mental Well-being

The “Workplace Mental Well-Being” training course is designed to emphasize the crucial role that mental well-being plays in enhancing both individual performance and organizational success. Studies consistently show that fostering a mentally healthy work environment…
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Gunakan Alat Kesehatan Mental Digital

The training course is designed to guide organizations in leveraging digital solutions to support employee mental well-being. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies have shifted to virtual work environments, highlighting the growing…
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Siapkan Sistem Dukungan Sebaya

The training course is designed to help organizations implement effective peer support networks that foster emotional well-being and provide early intervention for employees experiencing distress. A peer support system serves as an informal network where…
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Encourage Self-Care

The  training course focuses on promoting a culture of self-care within organizations, helping employees prioritize their well-being and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Self-care is increasingly recognized as essential to maintaining good mental and physical…
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Ciptakan Ruang Aman untuk Percakapan

Kursus pelatihan ini dirancang untuk membantu organisasi menciptakan lingkungan yang membuat karyawan merasa nyaman mendiskusikan kesehatan mental mereka tanpa takut dihakimi. Kursus ini penting bagi para pemimpin, manajer, dan profesional sumber daya manusia yang ingin…
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