CEOs Guide to Work at Height


The "Managing Workplace Safety to Prevent Falls from Height" training course addresses the critical need for effective workplace safety management, focusing on preventing falls from height—a leading cause of workplace fatalities in Singapore. This course is essential for employers, managers, safety officers, and anyone responsible for ensuring the safety of workers at elevated heights.

Over recent years, accidents involving falls have consistently been the top cause of workplace deaths in Singapore. In 2007, nearly one in three workplace fatalities resulted from falls. These alarming statistics highlight the importance of addressing safety and health lapses in workplaces where work at height is common. While initial investigations often attribute accidents to workers’ failure to follow safety protocols, a deeper analysis frequently reveals broader systemic and organizational failures as the root cause of these incidents.

This course emphasizes the need for organizations to implement comprehensive safety management systems that go beyond individual worker behavior. Participants will learn how to identify and address the organizational and systemic issues that contribute to workplace accidents. Key topics covered include risk assessment, identifying potential fall hazards, and developing strategies for hazard mitigation. The course also explores the importance of creating a culture of safety, where all employees are empowered to follow safety protocols and managers are proactive in ensuring safe working conditions.

An important part of the training is understanding the legal and regulatory framework surrounding workplace safety in Singapore, particularly the Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Act. The course provides practical tools and techniques for setting up and maintaining safety management systems, ensuring compliance with regulations, and continuously improving workplace safety standards.

Participants will also be trained on preventive measures, such as proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE), installation of fall protection systems, and regular safety inspections. By the end of the training, participants will have a comprehensive understanding of how to implement effective safety systems that not only prevent falls but also enhance overall workplace safety, reducing the risk of injuries and fatalities. This course is vital for organizations aiming to protect their workers and create a safer, more productive work environment.


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