Guide to WSH for Management Corporation Strata Title


The Management Corporation Strata Title (MCST) training course is designed to provide essential knowledge on the roles, responsibilities, and best practices for MCSTs in ensuring the safety and health of all individuals within their development. Governed by the Land Title (Strata) Act Cap. 158, an MCST is formed when a Strata Title Plan is constituted. Each MCST is specifically identified by its Strata Title Plan number and is tasked with overseeing the management and maintenance of shared properties, such as condominiums or other strata developments. This course is particularly valuable for management councils, managing agents, complex managers, and condominium managers who are responsible for maintaining a safe living and working environment for residents, tenants, workers, and visitors.

A key focus of the course is on the MCST’s role in adhering to the requirements of the Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Act. The course aims to equip participants with a comprehensive understanding of their legal obligations to ensure that all work activities carried out by contractors and workers within the development are conducted in a safe and compliant manner. This includes overseeing the safety of maintenance tasks, construction work, and other operational activities, as well as ensuring that safety protocols are followed by all parties working within the development.

Participants will be introduced to best practices for safety management, including developing and implementing safety policies, conducting risk assessments, and promoting a culture of safety among contractors and residents alike. The course also covers strategies for effective communication and collaboration between the MCST, contractors, workers, and residents to ensure that safety measures are understood and upheld.

In addition to offering a detailed understanding of the legal framework and responsibilities under the WSH Act, the course provides practical guidance on how to adopt and implement safe management practices. By the end of the training, participants will be equipped to ensure that their strata developments are not only compliant with regulations but are also safe and healthy environments for all.


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Terakhir Diperbarui: October 15, 2024
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