Saran Teknis untuk Bekerja dengan Aman Selama Perawatan Lift Penumpang dan Barang Elektrik


This training course is designed to provide comprehensive guidance on the safe maintenance of lifts in high-rise buildings, which have become a critical part of everyday life in Singapore. With the increasing reliance on lifts for transportation in both residential and commercial buildings, proper maintenance is crucial not only to ensure the convenience of users but also to safeguard the health and safety of workers responsible for maintaining these lifts.

The course aims to equip professionals in the lift industry with essential knowledge and practical skills in line with Singapore’s legislation and relevant Codes of Practice. Participants will gain insights into best practices for maintaining permanently installed electric passenger and goods lifts, ensuring that these machines operate smoothly and safely.

A key focus of the course is on the importance of adhering to safety protocols during maintenance work. Inadequate maintenance not only disrupts the smooth operation of lifts but also introduces significant risks to maintenance personnel. These risks can lead to accidents or serious injuries if safety measures are not strictly followed. Therefore, the course emphasizes the need for all parties involved in lift maintenance, from employers to workers and supervisors, to work collaboratively in applying safe work practices.

Participants will also learn how to implement safety management systems that comply with Singapore’s legislative requirements, including the necessary documentation, safety assessments, and emergency response plans. By adhering to these guidelines, professionals in the lift maintenance industry can enhance the reliability of lift operations while minimizing potential hazards.

Overall, this course serves as a vital resource for anyone involved in the installation, service, or maintenance of lifts in Singapore, providing the technical knowledge and safety procedures needed to ensure the safe and efficient functioning of lifts in high-rise environments.


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Terakhir Diperbarui: October 14, 2024
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