Workplace Safety and Health Guidelines on Procurement in the Construction Industry


Singapore is on a mission to become one of the safest countries for workers by 2028. A critical target of its Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) 2028 vision is to reduce the workplace fatal injury rate to less than 1.0 per 100,000 workers. This is a high benchmark, achieved by only a handful of developed nations. Achieving this goal will require continued dedication to improving safety standards, particularly within the construction industry, which has historically been a sector with higher injury rates.

The construction industry will play a pivotal role in achieving the WSH 2028 target, as reducing fatal injury rates in this sector will significantly contribute to lowering overall workplace fatalities. Data shows a strong correlation between construction demand and fatal injury rates, highlighting the importance of enhanced WSH standards in this industry. As Singapore continues to experience growth in its construction sector, ensuring that safety keeps pace with demand is essential for long-term success.

This training course is designed specifically for professionals in the construction industry, equipping them with the knowledge and tools necessary to create safer work environments. Participants will learn about the latest WSH standards, including key regulations, risk management techniques, and strategies for reducing workplace injuries. The course also provides practical insights into integrating safety measures into daily operations, making them a natural part of the work process.

In addition to technical knowledge, participants will explore real-life case studies to understand the practical application of WSH standards. This course also emphasizes the importance of leadership in workplace safety, encouraging participants to become safety champions within their organizations. By fostering a culture of safety, businesses can not only meet regulatory requirements but also ensure that their workers return home safely every day.

Upon completion of the course, participants will be equipped to lead efforts in improving workplace safety within their organizations and contribute to Singapore’s national goal of reducing construction-related injuries. The skills and knowledge gained will position them as key players in helping the country achieve its WSH 2028 vision and beyond. Through this collective effort, Singapore can maintain its standing as a global leader in workplace safety and health, ensuring the well-being of workers across all industries.



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