WSH Guide to Behavioural Observation and Intervention


Behavioural Observation and Intervention (BO&I) is a practical and effective safety initiative designed to enhance workplace safety by promoting safe work practices and reducing the occurrence of at-risk behaviors. Developed by the Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Council, BO&I is a simplified method that organizations can adopt to demonstrate care for their employees while fostering a culture of safety ownership and teamwork. It aligns with the WSH CultureSAFE Model, supporting efforts to build a strong safety culture within organizations.

This course is centered around the BO&I approach, providing participants with the knowledge and tools to observe and intervene when unsafe behaviors are identified in the workplace. By engaging workers in proactive safety practices, BO&I encourages them to take ownership of their own safety and the safety of others. This collaborative effort not only reduces the incidence of work-related injuries and accidents but also improves overall WSH performance, productivity, and operational efficiency.

The course covers the essential components of BO&I, including how to conduct behavioral observations, identify unsafe behaviors, and implement timely interventions to correct these behaviors before they lead to incidents. Participants will also learn how to effectively communicate safety concerns and reinforce positive behaviors, creating a workplace environment where safety is a shared responsibility.

BO&I is suitable for all companies, regardless of size or industry, including Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) looking to adopt a behavioral approach to enhance workplace safety. Through the implementation of BO&I, organizations can benefit from fewer workplace safety incidents, lower operational costs due to injury prevention, and improved morale and teamwork among employees.

By the end of the course, participants will be well-equipped to implement BO&I in their organizations, contributing to a safer, more productive workplace where safety is prioritized and owned by every worker.


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Terakhir Diperbarui: October 15, 2024
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