Pedoman K3 pada Manajemen Kontraktor


Managing contractor safety and health is crucial as contractors are often involved in a wide range of activities, from installation to maintenance and services. Both the client and contractor share responsibility for ensuring the safety of employees and the public throughout the duration of the contract. A structured contractor management process is essential to minimize risks, prevent accidents, and meet workplace safety and health (WSH) standards. Without proper management, contractors can inadvertently create hazards that may lead to injuries or fatalities at or near the workplace.

This training course focuses on implementing effective contractor management to enhance workplace safety and health performance. It covers the collaborative efforts required from all parties involved, including clients, contractors, subcontractors, and key stakeholders, to ensure a systematic approach to contractor management. By fostering collaboration, both clients and contractors can work together to mitigate risks and ensure that all safety and health systems function efficiently.

Key topics addressed in the course include:

  • Evaluating and selecting contractors: Participants will learn how to assess contractors based on their WSH performance and competency before engagement.
  • Coordinating and monitoring contractor activities: Guidance will be provided on how to manage the day-to-day activities of contractors to ensure safety standards are upheld.
  • Communication of WSH expectations: The course emphasizes the importance of clear communication between clients and contractors regarding safety and health expectations, fostering an open and cooperative working relationship.

By the end of the course, participants will have a comprehensive understanding of contractor management processes, including how to evaluate risks, select the right contractors, and establish effective monitoring systems. This will help reduce the likelihood of workplace accidents, improve safety outcomes, and ensure compliance with WSH regulations, ultimately creating safer work environments for everyone involved.


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Terakhir Diperbarui: October 14, 2024
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     ✓ Sertifikat Profesional

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