WSH Guidelines on Managing Heat Stress in the Workplace


This training course is designed to provide employers, safety officers, and workplace managers with the knowledge and tools needed to effectively manage heat stress in Singapore’s increasingly warm climate. With the average annual temperature rising due to global warming and the urban heat island effect, workers are facing heightened risks of heat-related injuries. This is particularly true in industries that involve outdoor work or indoor environments with high heat exposure, such as foundries, commercial kitchens, laundries, and manufacturing plants.

Participants will gain a thorough understanding of heat stress, how it occurs, and the critical impact it can have on workers' health and productivity. The course covers essential strategies to reduce heat stress in the workplace, including heat acclimatization, controlling environmental factors, and managing workers' metabolic heat production. These preventive measures are key to maintaining worker safety and ensuring that companies comply with Singapore’s Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Act. Under this legislation, employers are legally obligated to take necessary steps to protect their workers from heat-related injuries.

In addition to complying with the WSH Act, the course will cover the WSH (Risk Management) Regulations, which require employers to conduct comprehensive risk assessments to identify and address potential heat hazards in the workplace. These assessments help pinpoint areas where preventive measures, such as improved ventilation, protective equipment, and work-rest cycles, can be implemented to reduce heat stress risks.

By the end of the course, participants will have gained practical skills to create and implement effective heat stress management plans that are tailored to their specific work environments. These plans will help to ensure worker safety, minimize the risk of heat injuries, and reduce the likelihood of workplace accidents. Proper management of heat stress not only protects the well-being of employees but also enhances productivity, as workers are more likely to perform efficiently when heat risks are controlled.

This course is essential for organizations looking to safeguard their workforce while complying with legal requirements and maintaining a productive, safe work environment in Singapore’s increasingly hot climate.


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