Pedoman K3 tentang Bekerja dengan Aman di Atap


This training course is designed to provide essential safety guidance for contractors and workers involved in roof-related tasks, addressing the high-risk nature of working on roofs. Falls from roofs are a significant cause of workplace fatalities and serious injuries, often resulting in permanent disabilities. Between 2007 and 2011, falls from roofs claimed 20 lives in Singapore alone, underscoring the importance of proper safety measures when performing roof work. This course aims to equip participants with the necessary knowledge to prevent such incidents and ensure safe work environments during roof operations.

The course covers both new roof construction and tasks on existing buildings, such as inspections, repairs, maintenance, cleaning, and demolition. It provides a comprehensive framework for planning and executing roof work safely, with key considerations for each stage of the process. Participants will learn how to identify fall hazards and implement control measures to minimize risks.

The training emphasizes practical safety strategies, including selecting the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), using suitable access equipment, and understanding administrative controls that can further reduce the likelihood of accidents. Participants will also gain insights into different stages of roof work, including how to plan ahead to mitigate fall hazards and choose the most effective risk control measures.

By the end of the course, attendees will be able to identify the risks associated with roof work, select the right equipment for safe access, and develop a comprehensive plan to prevent falls. They will leave with a better understanding of how to implement safety protocols that comply with regulations and industry best practices. Ultimately, this training course aims to help workers and contractors significantly reduce the risks of falls, ensuring safer working conditions on roofs and contributing to a more proactive safety culture in the workplace.


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Terakhir Diperbarui: October 14, 2024
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