模块 1:定义
- Confined Space, Characteristics, Roles, and Hazardous Atmosphere
模块 2:简介
- Background and Requirements for Working Safely in Confined Spaces
Module 3: Risk Management Approach to Confined Spaces
- Key Elements of Risk Assessment, Communication, Periodic Assessments, and Documentation
Module 4: Types of Hazards in Confined Spaces
- Suffocation, Fire/Explosion, Poisoning, and Other Hazards
Module 5: Working Safely in Confined Spaces
- Entry Permits, Risk Assessments, Issuance Process, and Hazardous Energy Control
Module 6: Emergency and Rescue Procedures
- Rescue Plans, Arrangements, Logistics, Training, and Equipment
Module 7: Training for Personnel Involved in Confined Space Entry and Work
- Personnel Training, Program Planning, Training Elements, and Competency of Trainers