管理 安全 健康 为了 中小企业 金工 行业



  • Understand the introduction to workplace safety and health (WSH) principles and their importance.
  • Explore the scope and objectives of implementing effective WSH practices in various industries.
  • Recognize how better workplace safety and health lead to better business outcomes, including productivity and employee satisfaction.
  • Learn about the importance of commitment from management in fostering a safety-conscious culture and supporting WSH initiatives.
  • Understand the need for complying with safety and health rules and regulations to ensure a safe and compliant work environment.
  • Explore the process of workplace safety and health risk management, including identifying, assessing, and controlling risks.
  • Recognize the significance of WSH training and competency, ensuring employees have the necessary skills and knowledge to work safely.
  • Learn the role of communication in WSH, emphasizing the importance of clear and consistent safety messaging throughout the organization.
  • Understand operational activities, practices, and controls that contribute to maintaining workplace safety and health.
  • Discover how to measure workplace safety and health performance through key metrics and continuous improvement efforts.
  • Explore risk management capability building to enhance the organization’s ability to identify and mitigate potential hazards effectively.

工作场所安全与健康 (WSH) 原则对于创建安全、高效和高效的环境至关重要,尤其是在以下行业: 金属加工行业这些原则侧重于最大限度地降低风险,确保安全仍然是所有工人的首要任务,从而减少事故并提高生产力。

金属加工行业 由于切割、焊接和加工金属等固有危险,因此至关重要。这些做法可以防止受伤并促进安全第一的文化,从而带来更好的业务成果,例如提高生产力和提高员工满意度。

管理承诺 是成功的关键。当领导层将安全放在首位时,它为整个公司树立了榜样。管理人员应支持安全举措,投资培训,并确保有资源可用来维持安全条件。

必须遵守安全法规。遵守这些规则可确保工作场所符合安全标准并避免法律问题。在 金属加工行业,尖锐工具、重型机械和高温等危险很常见,因此遵守规定至关重要。

风险管理 至关重要的是 金属加工行业. 识别危险、评估风险并实施控制措施可减少潜在危害。机器故障、化学品暴露和人体工程学问题等风险都可通过有效的管理流程解决。

培训和能力 是关键。工人必须了解机器操作、个人防护装备的使用和安全规程。适当的培训可确保每个人都能在 金属加工行业.

清除 沟通 加强安全。管理层不断向工人传达安全信息有助于维持安全文化。这可以通过定期会议、清晰的标识和书面安全指南来实现。


测量 安全性能 至关重要。使用关键指标来评估安全措施有助于改进程序。定期审核、反馈和事件分析可不断改善安全性。

建筑 风险管理能力 加强识别和减轻危险的能力。这包括持续培训和开发提高安全标准的系统。

通过关注这些方面 WSH金属加工行业,公司创造了更安全的工作场所。这既提高了员工的福利,也提高了整体业务绩效。

模块 1:简介

Module 2: Scope and Objectives

Module 3: Better Workplace Safety and Health, Better Business

Module 4: Commitment from Management

Module 5: Complying with Safety and Health Rules and Regulations

Module 6: Workplace Safety and Health Risk Management

Module 7: Workplace Safety and Health Training and Competency

Module 8: Communication

Module 9: Operational Activities, Practices, and Controls

Module 10: Workplace Safety and Health Performance Measurement

Module 11: Risk Management Capability Building