Set Up A 同行 Support 系统 Foster Collaboration 福利



  • Understand what a peer support system is, which involves colleagues offering emotional and practical support to each other, creating a supportive and collaborative work environment.
  • Explore why a peer support system is useful, as it helps to reduce stress, improve mental well-being, and create a sense of community and belonging, particularly in high-pressure or emotionally demanding workplaces.
  • Learn the steps in implementing a peer support system, including setting clear objectives, training peer supporters, ensuring confidentiality, and integrating the system into the organization’s culture.
  • Discover useful tips for manning the helpline, such as being empathetic, actively listening, providing accurate information, maintaining confidentiality, and knowing when to refer to professional support.

同伴支持系统 同事之间相互提供情感和实际帮助。这创造了一个支持性、协作性的工作环境,让每个人都感到相互联系和支持,从而促进团队成员之间更牢固的关系。

同伴支持系统的实用性 这一点怎么强调都不为过。它有助于减轻压力,改善心理健康,尤其是在高压或情感要求高的工作场所。强大的同伴支持网络可以培养一种社区感和归属感,让员工感到安全和受到支持,从而提高整体工作满意度和工作效率。


什么时候 配备热线服务人员,重要的是要有同理心和积极倾听。通过提供准确的信息和保持机密性,员工可以放心地寻求支持。此外,知道何时将某人转介给专业帮助可确保个人在需要时获得适当程度的护理。


Module 1: What is a Peer Support System?

  • A system where employees provide emotional and practical support to each other.

Module 2: Why is a Peer Support System Useful?

  • Enhances well-being, reduces stress, and builds a supportive workplace culture.

模块 3:实施步骤

  • Identify needs, train peers, and establish clear communication channels.

Module 4: Useful Tips for Manning the Helpline

  • Ensure confidentiality, active listening, and regular follow-ups for effective support.