在职的 安全 期间 Installation 维护 Replacement 自动扶梯 Moving Walks



  • Understand the scope and introduction to safety and health considerations in escalator and moving walk operations, focusing on installation, maintenance, and replacement.
  • Familiarize with the abbreviations, terms, and definitions used in escalator and moving walk safety documentation to ensure clarity in communication.
  • Learn the responsibilities of various stakeholders, including escalator owners, contractors, authorized managers, manufacturers, maintenance personnel, and managing agents, in ensuring safety during escalator operations.
  • Understand the importance of risk assessment in identifying potential hazards and implementing effective safety measures during escalator work.
  • Identify the types of hazards associated with escalator and moving walk installation, maintenance, and replacement work, including mechanical, electrical, fire, slip and trip, ergonomic, and fatigue hazards.
  • Explore good systems and processes for implementation by escalator owners and contractors, including authorization systems, work issuance, and record-keeping practices.
  • Learn about best practices and safe work procedures for escalator and moving walk installation, maintenance, and replacement, covering pre-work preparation, machine room access, and work on inclined sections.
  • Explore good practices in escalator and moving walk operations, including documentation, communication, attire, PPE, safety signs, and emergency preparedness.
  • Discover strategies for improving working conditions and personal well-being, including environmental conditions, rest areas, and administrative procedures to enhance safety and employee welfare.

自动扶梯和自动人行道的运行 是现代建筑运输必不可少的。安装、维护和更换期间的适当安全措施对于确保工人和用户的健康至关重要。本指南重点介绍了这些操作的关键安全和健康注意事项。

了解范围和目标 本指南的重点是识别危险、应用安全措施以及确保适当的培训以维持安全的工作环境。

常见危害 自动扶梯和自动人行道运行中的安全隐患包括机械、电气、火灾、滑倒、绊倒、人体工程学和疲劳风险。尽早识别和解决这些危险对于减少事故至关重要。

角色和职责 应在所有利益相关者之间明确规定。自动扶梯业主、承包商、管理人员和维护人员各自都有确保安全的具体职责。每个人都必须合作以维持安全标准。

设备和维护 在安全方面发挥着至关重要的作用。定期检查个人防护设备 (PPE) 和商业设备可确保发现并解决任何故障。适当的维护可防止潜在故障。

有效的风险管理 涉及周密的准备、风险评估和审查。通过识别危险并实施控制措施,承包商可以最大限度地降低风险并提高安全标准。

在开始任何工作之前, 工作前准备 至关重要。它包括现场评估、获得许可证以及确保所有人员都接受过培训。此步骤有助于识别直接风险并确保安全控制到位。

沟通策略 对安全至关重要。清晰的沟通可让所有人员了解危险和安全规程。这包括操作期间的标志、信号和定期安全简报。

紧急响应协议 必须明确规定。一旦发生事故,快速采取行动至关重要。适当的培训可确保每个人都知道如何应对火灾或电气故障等紧急情况。

综上所述,自动扶梯和自动人行道 手术 需要仔细规划、有效沟通和持续的风险评估。通过了解危险、角色、职责和应急方案,各方可以确保安全、成功地开展运营。

模块 1:简介

  • Scope of the course

Module 2: Abbreviations, Terms, and Definitions

  • Key abbreviations and terminology

Module 3: Stakeholder Responsibilities

  • Escalator Owner, Contractor, Manager, Manufacturer, and Competent Maintenance Person


  • Identifying and assessing risks

模块 5:危险类型

  • Mechanical, Electrical, Fire, Slip, Trip, Ergonomics, and more

Module 6: Systems and Processes

  • Authorisation, Work Authorization, and Record-keeping

模块 7:安全工作程序

  • Procedures before work starts, machine room access, and working at inclined sections

Module 8: Best Practices in Operations

  • Documentation, Communication, PPE, Safety Signs, and Emergency Preparedness

Module 9: Improving Working Conditions

  • Environmental conditions, rest areas, and well-being of workers