Create New Project

Step-by-Step Guide: Creating a New Project in PEER

Step 1: Access Peer

  • Log in with your MainCon account: Use your credentials to access the Peer platform.

Step 2: Access the Project Setup Menu

  • Navigate to the project setup menu: Once logged in, locate and select the project setup menu.

Step 3: Go to the Project Section

  • Enter the project section: From the setup menu, find and enter the project section.

Step 4: Create a New Project

  • Click the plus button: In the project section, click on the plus button (+) to start creating a new project.

Step 5: Complete Required Fields

  • Fill in project code and project name: Enter the necessary information in the fields labeled ‘Project Code’ and ‘Project Name’.

Step 6: Additional Fields

  • Fill in any additional fields as necessary: Provide any other required information in the additional fields.

Step 7: Save the Project

  • Scroll down and click ‘Save’: After filling in all required and additional fields, scroll down and click the ‘Save’ button.

Step 8: Project Creation Confirmation

  • Project has been created: You will receive a confirmation that the project has been successfully created.

Step 9: Continue to Project Setup

  • Proceed to the next step: Follow the subsequent instructions to further set up the project as needed.

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