Training Material: Setting Up PTW in Project Setup


This guide will help you navigate through the process of setting up a Permit to Work (PTW) in your project using the Project Setup menu. Follow the steps carefully to ensure all necessary forms and dependencies are correctly configured.

Steps to Set Up PTW

  1. Access the Project Setup Menu

    • Navigate to the Project Setup menu from your dashboard.
  2. Choose the PTW Section and Select the Dependency Form

    • Select the PTW (Permit to Work) section.
    • Then, choose the Dependency form from the available options.
  3. Select the Project

    • Choose the specific project you want to set up.
  4. Copy Template from Master Data

    • Click the button labeled “Copy Template from Master Data.”
  5. Select the Necessary Template

    • Choose the template required for your project setup.
  6. Example: Preparing for the Permit to Work Demolition

    • Forms needed for a demolition project might include:
      • LOA (Letter of Approval)
      • Safe Work Procedure
      • Risk and Impact Assessment
      • Toolbox Meeting
      • Demolition Checklist
  7. Go Back to the Project Setup

    • Return to the Project Setup menu.
  8. Choose the PTW Section and Select the PTW Form

    • Select the PTW section again.
    • Choose the PTW form from the list.
  9. Select the Project Again

    • Choose the same project you selected previously.
  10. Copy Template from Master Data

    • Click the “Copy Template from Master Data” button again.
  11. Return to the Project Setup Menu

    • Go back to the Project Setup menu.
  12. Choose the PTW Section and Select the Master Plan

    • Select the PTW section once more.
    • Choose the Master Plan option.
  13. Select the Project to Set Up

    • Select the same project.
  14. Register a New Master Plan

    • Click the plus (+) button to register a new master plan.
  15. Select the Main Form

    • Choose the main form for the master plan.
  16. Set the Days for the PTW Main Form

    • Specify the number of days for the PTW Main Form.
  17. Assign Users According to the Flow Order

    • Choose the users who will be involved in the PTW process according to the flow order.
  18. Day-by-Day Setup

    • Day 1: Applicant, Assessment, and Approval.
    • Day 2: Applicant day 2 and Assessment day 2.
    • Day 3: Applicant day 3 and Assessment day 3.
    • Continue this pattern until Day 7.
  19. Complete the Setup

    • To complete the setup, choose “Compliant.”
    • Click “Save.”
  20. Create the Master Plan

    • The master plan is now created. Next, click the three-dot button and choose “Dependencies.”
  21. Register a New Master Plan

    • Click the plus (+) button to register a new master plan.
  22. Specify Details for the PTW

    • For Type of PTW, choose “Demolition.”
    • For Form Type, select “Checklist.”
    • For Dependency Form, choose “Demolition Operation Checklist.”
    • For Type, select “Daily.”
  23. Save the Setup

    • Click “Save.”
  24. PTW Setup Completed

    • The setup for PTW is now complete.

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