Wednesday, 18 Desember 2024
What’s New?
Enhancement and Features
1. PTW Checklist: ‘Required Date’ in the Purchase Requisition checklist is now a date range.
2. User Management: Update the name of the User Setting.
3. Manpower Management: Removed the Staff menu.
4. User Management: Updated mandatory fields for User Registration.
5. User Management: Added country code for mobile numbers.
6. User Management: User Registration now support email masking feature.
7. User Management: Added a bulk user registration feature.
8. User Management: Added a template file for the bulk user registration feature.
9. Notification: Added Email notifications for user registration in User Management.
10. Notification: Added WhatsApp notifications for user registration in User Management.
11. My Profile: Added OTP verification for updating user mobile numbers.
12. User Management: Added OTP verification for updating user mobile numbers by admin.
13. LOA: Enhanced the LOA file name generated by the system.
14. PEER: Updated wording of PEER 2024 Copyright MSA.
Bug Fixes
1. Project Roles: Fix duplicate project role display in PTW plan.
2. Form Template: Added image validation for image attachment in checklist.