Login to PEER as Administrator
On the Register New User page, you need to fill in;
- Photo
- Full Name
- Login Name
- Designation
- User Access Right
- Password
List of User Access Right
- Registered User: Users who have registered with the PEER, but do not have any access rights in the PEER.
- Administration: Users who have full access rights in the PEER.
- Staff: Users who can submit PTW, do Assessment forms, and Approval forms. but do not have access rights to manage matters administrative on PEER.
- Project Admin: Users will have access to Project setup (Limited Admin featu)
4. Click SAVE Button
5. Assign new users to project

6. Select project

7. Click Add New Assignment

8. Select User and Role, then click SAVE

9. User successfully assigned

More detail about assignment User and unassigned user from Project
Follow the instructions in the link below;