Lock or Unlock User by Admin

Training Materials: Managing User Lock Status in PEER

Instructional Steps

Objective: Learn how to lock or unlock a user in PEER as an Admin.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Access User Management

    • Navigate to the User Management menu on the PEER platform.
  2. Search for the User

    • Use the Search section to find the user whose status you want to change.
  3. Edit User Settings

    • Click on the 3 dots button next to the user’s name.
    • Select PEER User Setting from the dropdown menu.
  4. Locking a User

    • Tick the Locked checkbox to lock the user’s account.
      • Note: A locked user will not be able to log in to PEER.
  5. Unlocking a User

    • Untick the Locked checkbox to unlock the user’s account.
  6. Save Changes

    • Click the SAVE button to apply the changes.

Important Note: Ensure to save your changes, or the user’s status will remain unchanged.

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