Register New User

Training Materials: User Registration on PEER

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Access User Management

  1. Navigate to the User Management menu on PEER.

Step 2: Initiate User Registration

  1. Click the + button or the Register User button.

Step 3: Enter User Information

  1. Fill in the following required fields:
    • Full Name
    • Login Name
    • Email
    • Designation
    • FIN or NRIC

Step 4: Set User Access Rights and Password

  1. Select the User Access Right.
  2. Enter the Default Password.
  3. Re-enter the Default Password to confirm.
  4. Click the SAVE button.

Step 5: Assign to a Project

  1. A pop-up question will appear asking if you want to assign the new user to a project.
  2. Click No to skip this step and assign the project later.
  3. Click Yes to assign the project immediately.

Step 6: Email Verification

  1. The newly registered user will receive a verification email from PEER.
  2. After the user verifies their email, they will be able to access PEER.

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