Reset Password User by Admin

Training Material: Resetting a User’s Password on PEER


As an Admin user on PEER, you have the ability to reset passwords for other users. This guide will walk you through the steps to reset a user’s password.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Access User Management

    • Begin by logging into your Admin account on PEER.
    • Navigate to the User Management menu.
  2. Search for the User

    • In the Search section, enter the name or email of the user whose password you need to reset.
  3. Reset the Password

    • Locate the user in the search results.
    • Click the three dots button next to the user’s name.
    • Select Reset Password from the dropdown menu.
  4. Enter New Password

    • A dialog box will appear prompting you to enter the new password.
    • Enter the new password in the New Password field.
    • Repeat the new password in the Repeat New Password field to confirm.
  5. Save the Changes

    • Click the SAVE button to update the user’s password.
  6. Inform the User

    • Provide the new password information to the user securely.
  7. User Prompted to Change Password

    • Once the user logs in with the new password, they will be prompted to change it to something only they know.

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