Prerequisites & Mandated fields in PEER

Mandatory & Prerequisites is Security Enforcement Responsibility

What is Mandatory & Prerequisites?

Mandatory & Prerequisites are fields within a form or a checklist that must be completed before further actions can be taken.

In PEER, our forms & checklist takes into account the completion of the prerequisites before allowing users to carry on to fill up the rest of the Permit

Each checklists & forms can also have mandatory fields that must be handled prior to submission for approvals

All in all, they work hand in hand to make sure that essential documentations are submitted, safety & security checks have been taken care of and the applying personnel takes responsibility for the mandated tasks


Essential details that must be attached/ filled in. Customizable to each company's policy.
Letter of Appointment
Risk Assessemnt
Safe Work Procedure

Daily Mandatory Fields

Daily compulsory submissions
Toolbox (Safety) Meetings
Daily Equipment Checklists
Daily Safety Checklists
Daily Machinery inspections

Weekly Mandatory fields

Weekly compulsory submissions
Work plans
Fall Prevention Plans
PTW Sample

What's the next move?

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! We can help customize the fields to exactly what you need