RE/RTO Inspection

RE/RTO Inspection is an inspection to determine issues found in Materials and/or Operations carried out

RE/RTO inspections is essential to making sure that the requirements of the project quality are met according to specifications during operations and after completion to ensure confidence, assurance and standards in deliverables.

1. Raise for Inspection

Applicant will be required to fill in information such as  Organisation, Function, Designation with the option of remarks

2. Application of RE/RTO

Applicant will then need to fill in the Location, Inspection Scope and any remarks. The relevant chief and co-chief will be selected along with attachment of document for inspections before signing off

3. Rectification

Once the RE/RTO Inspector conducts the inspection, the inspector will decide whether rectification is necessary or approve for work to carry on. If rectification is required, the applicant will be informed to carry out said actions. Satisfactory rectification will then be provided the greenlight to carry on with work


An RE/RTO Inspection can be carried out in almost every industry, from manufacturing to maintenance and constructions where deliverables qualities are essential


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