理解する 仕事 身長



  • Introduction to fall prevention, outlining its scope, purpose, and key terms and definitions related to fall hazards and prevention strategies.
  • Overview of a Fall Prevention Plan, focusing on its principles, coverage, and the essential components required for effective fall prevention.
  • Key components of a Fall Prevention Plan, including policy development, assigning responsibilities, risk management, control measures, safe work procedures, personal protective equipment use, inspection and maintenance, training, accident investigation, and emergency response.
  • Importance of a permit-to-work system in fall prevention, detailing the principles, requirements, scope, and implementation of this safety measure.
  • Risk assessment and safety considerations for access to and egress from work areas, including roof access and access to the tops of vehicles and containers.
  • Types of fall prevention systems, such as edge protection, guard-railing, scaffolds, mobile elevated work platforms, and suspended scaffolds, to minimize fall risks.
  • Use of anchorage points and lifelines, including their application, installation, and the role of lifeline devices in ensuring worker safety.
  • Implementation of travel restraint systems to prevent workers from falling while allowing safe movement in elevated areas.
  • Understanding personal fall arrest systems, including their fundamentals, limitations, hazards, training requirements, and rescue procedures for workers using these systems.
  • Safety considerations for work positioning systems, such as work positioning belts and industrial rope access systems, to support workers at heights.
  • Guidelines for using ladders and step platforms safely, covering portable and fixed ladders to prevent falls during elevation.
  • Hazards associated with working on rooftops, including safety precautions for pitched roofs and fragile roof surfaces to minimize fall risks.

この高所作業トレーニング コースは、転落防止に関する包括的な理解を深め、高所作業時の安全を確保するための重要な戦略と対策を概説することを目的としています。転落防止は、作業員のリスクを最小限に抑えるために不可欠であり、安全規制を遵守するために不可欠です。このコースでは、このような環境で作業員を保護するために不可欠な転落の危険性と防止戦略に関連する目的、範囲、および重要な用語について説明します。


転倒防止計画では、安全に関する方針の策定や責任の割り当てなど、さまざまな要素に対処する必要があります。また、転倒リスクの軽減に役立つリスク管理対策、管理手順、安全な作業手順のガイドラインも含める必要があります。個人用保護具 (PPE) の使用、定期的な検査、機器のメンテナンスも、トレーニングの提供、事故調査の実施、転倒や事故が発生した場合の緊急対応の準備と同様に、計画に不可欠です。



落下防止システムは、作業員の安全を守る上で重要な役割を果たします。これらのシステムには、エッジ保護、ガードレール、足場、移動式高所作業プラットフォーム (MEWP)、吊り足場などがあります。これらの各システムは、作業員が高所で安全に作業できるように物理的な障壁または制御されたプラットフォームを提供することで、落下リスクを最小限に抑えるように設計されています。


移動制限システムは、作業員が落下を防止しながら安全に動けるようにするもう 1 つの安全対策です。これらのシステムは、作業員の移動を落下の危険から保護された領域に制限し、落下の危険なしに自由に移動できるようにします。






モジュール 1: はじめに

  • Scope, purpose, and terms and definitions related to fall prevention.

Module 2: Fall Prevention Plan

  • Principles, coverage, and essential components of a fall prevention plan, including policies, responsibilities, and risk management.

Module 3: Components of a Fall Prevention Plan

  • Key elements: Policy, risk management, safe work procedures, PPE usage, training, inspections, accident investigations, and emergency response.

Module 4: Permit-to-Work System

  • Principles, requirements, scope, and implementation of the permit-to-work system.

Module 5: Fall Control Measures

  • Access and egress risk assessment, safety considerations for roof access, and access to top of vehicles/containers.

Module 6: Fall Prevention Systems

  • Types of systems: edge protection, guard-railing, scaffolds, mobile elevated work platforms, suspended scaffolds, mast climbing work platforms.

Module 7: Anchorage, Lifelines, and Restraint Systems

  • Application and requirements for anchorage, lifelines, lifeline devices, travel restraint systems, and personal fall arrest systems.

Module 8: Safety Guidelines for Equipment and Rooftop Work

  • Guidelines for using ladders, step platforms, and safety considerations for working on rooftops and fragile roofs.