Vehicle Management

ALPR            ●                License Plate Registration                ●           Workspace/Vehicle History


ALPR CCTV can be installed to recognize and capture the vehicle plate numbers that enters and leave the area.
Automatic license plate registration

ALPR is a high-speed camera system that are able to capture the vehicle plate number

The ALPR cameras used are highly accurate and provides features such as Black/White list functionality. Information such as which country the car plates belong to is also provided. uFace devices are used on site to mark the attendance of the workers/visitors. The device would be able to recognize who the person is, whether he/she is a registered personnel to be able to enter the area or not. With turnstile working together with uFace devices and Collie, it helps to prevent issues such as tailgating. In Collie, we integrated Vaxtor’s ALPR system to recognize the vehicle plate that enters our customer’s site. It was used to track vehicle’s in and out timing if unfortunate events were to happen

License Plate Registration

Registers License Plate and the name of the owner.


Vehicle Management

This feature is built for those places that requires high security. It requires to record the license plate and the name of the owner of the vehicle. With this feature, it is easier to track the visitor management.

License Plate Registration was implemented in Collie as our customer requires tight secuity in their site. Only those vehicles that were registered in advance would be able to enter the site.

Workspace/Vehicle History

Logs the check in and check out of the vehicles and the personnel.


Vehicle Management

This feature logs the check in and check out of the vehicles and the drivers of the vehicles.

This feature logs the check in and check out of the vehicles and the drivers of the vehicles. This is an essential information for reporting wise

In Collie, users would assign area to the personnel if the personnel is authorized to enter the area. However, if the personnel is no longer working there or visit pass expires, users will have to unassign the personnel from the areas.

Users using the Collie system would use this feature to view the transactions of check-in and check-out of vehicles on site.


Find out more about Vehicle Management features in our demo!